CS101 Resources for Instructors - Frequently Asked Questions

This area of our website is under active development. We are very interested in knowing what resources you might be interested in seeing here. Please email us with your suggestions or add them to our bugzilla.

Can I use the textbook that appears on this site in my class?
We are generally eager to have this material put to use. If you want to use this material in your class, we request that you contact us explicitly. Please see our terms and conditions for details.
Can I use a printed version of your textbook? Can I use your textbook for a commercial purpose?
We would be happy to discuss arrangements for this sort of thing. Please contact us to get things rolling.
Where can I find the most current version of the text?
The most current text can be found on this site at http://cs101.org/ipij/. Portions of the text are frequently under revision, though, and may not yet be publicly available. Please contact us if you're interested in the most recent revisions.
What other resources are available for instructors?
First, and perhaps most obviously, the textbook is available to educators. The cs101 Java library and a collection of problem sets are both available, as well. We also post syllabi and information about present and past courses. Other users of the CS101 materials have produced supplementary materials, which we are working to compile and make publicly available. Finally, we maintain several mailing lists, of which the cs101-users list may be of particular interest to instructors.
Who else is using these materials?

Instructors are using CS101 materials at many educational levels. Educators are using the text at the undergraduate level in colleges and universities as well as in K-12 education (primarily at the high school level, but with some users at the middle school level). Other users are employing CS101 materials in corporate training, individual learning, and informal education.

An early adopter, Debora Weber-Wulff, published a paper about her experiences -- "Combating the Code Warrior" -- in ITICSE '2000. (official ACM DL citation)

You can get in touch with other users of CS101 materials through the cs101-users mailing list.

I found an error in the text. What should I do?
Please report it using our bug-tracking system.

This page is a part of Lynn Andrea Stein's Rethinking CS101 project, part of the Computers and Cognition Group at the Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. EIA-0196404. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation
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Last modified: Monday, December 5 2005 at 5:19 AM EST